Saint Mary's College-Political Communication

Upper division Communication Studies course discussing politics from a communication perspective.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Ann and Rush in the Public Eye

According to mainstream media, many political analysts believe that people like Ann Coulter 
 and Rush Limbaugh help taint the public view of the conservative party.  Due to the Democratic Party's re-election, many people have seen a shift in our country to a very liberal society.  The current view of the Republican Party is that they are racist, against women’s rights, against gay marriage, and that they support the wealthy and privileged.  Even Romney felt the pressure to surrender to our liberal society as he began to take a moderate stance towards the end of the race.  After Republicans faced the results of the election, much talk has circulated in regards to reforming a new conservative party that leaves behind its traditional values.  People like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh brutally defend the old traditions of the Republican Party without remorse or respect for the liberal party.  Are the harsh views of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh causing the decline of the Republican Party and should they consider giving up the fight? 

Ann Coulter takes no prisoners when she answers to the public.  She shows no remorse for her answers and she sticks to her guns.  She was quoted, “I'm a Christian first, and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don't you ever forget it.” She intentionally wears skimpy outfits because conservatives are supposed to be “proper” and she hopes to offend the democrats by dressing provocatively.  Colin Powell, a fellow member of the conservative party, accused Ann of being “polarized.”   She has recently been uninvited to Fordham University where she was supposed to speak for the students’ Republican Club.  The president of Fordham would not defend his decision but the student body did through many interviews. “I wasn’t a fan of the comments Ann made after 9/11,” said one student.  Ann had stated that, “Not all Muslims may be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims — at least all terrorists capable of assembling a murderous plot against America that leaves 7,000 people dead in under two hours.  Another student claimed , “She makes racist remarks with no regard for others.”  There were even a few members from the Republican Club that did not want her to speak.  On the other side of the fence, people like Bill O’Reilly and Hannity were appalled because Fordham has had outspoken people like Bill Mahr and Peter Singer deliver speeches at the University.  The general consensus of the student body at Fordham was against Ann Coulter’s appearance at the university.  If those students represent America’s future, then maybe Ann Coulter really is bringing the Conservative Party downhill. 
Rush Limbaugh is even worse than her.  He’s just like Ann because he supposedly represents a “Godly” party, but he is so ruthless when criticizing the liberal party.  He attacked a Georgetown Law student, Sandra Fluke, and called her a slut and a prostitute. President Obama called her and apologized for Limbaugh's remarks, using this as a tactic to look better in his campaign, but also to console the law student.  This reflects so poorly on the Republican Party because Republicans don’t really feel that Sandra is a slut.  Due to Limbaugh’s desire to entertain the public, he uses a terrible choice of words.  Colin Powell once said, I think what Rush does as an entertainer diminishes the party and intrudes or inserts into our public life a kind of nastiness that we would be better to do without.” Rush, who reflects the Republican Party, has now insulted a student who is part of the most liberal body we have, the student body.  Many feel that it is time Ann and Rush keep their comments to themselves.  The majority of the youth does not agree with their statements nor find them amusing. 
Some people do still enjoy listening to Rush and Ann.  I don’t even think that all of the viewers necessarily agree with the things they say.  A lot of their success comes form entertainment and they draw crowds by voicing outrageous comments.  Their populist deliberation may be costing the Conservative Party its vote.   




Blogger Ambreen said...

This is an interesting post, Chrissy. Although I am not a republican, the idea that Rush and Ann are representative of the republic party perpetuates the stereotype that republics are racist, rich, against women, etc. because many of the comments made by Rush and Ann are perceived to be that way. They do have a big voice in the sense that they are in the media and create a lot of attention for their comments. If the majority of the republican party believes that Rush and Ann are not representative of their views, then I think republicans should really distance themselves from them. Otherwise, the people who are not of the republican party will assume that their comments reflect how most republicans feel.

3:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That is tragic! I really think that the Republican party needs a reform, but looking to people like that... I don't know... but maybe there are some polticians that must be cutted of the party.
I was thinking about that could redesign the image of the party, but those politicians don't even transmit the actual image of the party nowadays, they could not survive a resstructuring.
Do they look like American politics? I don't think so!

8:30 PM  
Blogger Lauren S. said...

I agree with Chrissy. It is crazy how two people and their outspoken views and comments can effect the rest of the country's view of the Republican party. They are two people who are well known as Republicans and give the rest of the country I negative view of the whole party. I do think that in politics their are always extremists looking for reacts. Those two however seem to always be looking for a reaction. They put on a show. I especially feel this way about Ann Coulter. In general she rubs me the wrong way.

3:12 PM  
Blogger KrisR13 said...

I really though this post gave an interesting perspective on talk radio, because it could be just an entertainment value for listeners rather than actual knowledge about politics and candidates. I listened to a little of Rush and for me even though I don't agree with what he's saying its something to listen to where people have the ability to comment, debate, unlike how they can anywhere else.

6:24 AM  
Blogger Sylvia.Rojas said...

It is very disheartening to have people like Rush and Ann representing the Republican Party. I believe the negative light that has risen over conservatives is due in part by people like them reenforcing stereotypes that are bias and untrue.

2:44 PM  

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