Saint Mary's College-Political Communication

Upper division Communication Studies course discussing politics from a communication perspective.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hillary as Secretary of State

By Cassie McDonagh

Barack Obama recently appointed Hilary Clinton to the position of Secretary of State. This decision was shocking to many people. In my opinion, however, this decision was a very wise and monumental one. This decision passed the job of Secretary of State to another woman. As one of the most important cabinet positions the person who is given that job must be very educated and intelligent. This job is one that has become increasingly important due to the elevated terrorist alerts in the country.
The fact that this job is being given to a woman says a lot about the progress this country is making. It shows that as a country we feel comfortable giving such an important job to a woman. America is a country based on diversity, and our government is making great strides in starting to represent this. With a black president and a female secretary of state the diversity of our countries population is being equally represented.
Recently, Hilary Clinton met with Condoleezza Rice to discuss the job and the duties entailed. They discussed general policies and the way that the department worked. The two women showed great respect for each other and Rice said that she was very pleased with Obama’s choice. Hilary Clinton was given this position because she is intelligent and can be trusted with the important matters that come along with the job.
Another thing that is really great about Obama’s choice is that it shows the positive side of politics. Obama and Clinton had such a vicious run for candidacy that it created the illusion that they were arch enemies. Both parties said incredibly mean things about each other and brought about a very negative feeling. By choosing Clinton, Obama showed that he had the best interest of the country at heart. He proved that even though they went through a very rough patch he could see past personality differences and choose a cabinet member based on intelligence and competence.
I think that this reflects upon a lot of what we discussed in class and the results of our surveys. Overall our class voted to not reform politics. Obama was not forced to choose Clinton, he was being controlled by government regulations. Obama chose Clinton because it was the right thing to do. Obama proved that politics can be humane and fair without being controlled by the government


Blogger Jenny said...

When I first heard Obama was planning on choosing Hilary, I was very surprised by this after they were such enemies. I thought it would be difficult to come together and work as a team. However, now I agree with Cassie and feel this was a smart decision on Obama's part. I think it demonstrates good leadership that he is willing to select a woman and knows he will be able to accomplish great things with her helping him.

11:52 AM  

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