Saint Mary's College-Political Communication

Upper division Communication Studies course discussing politics from a communication perspective.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Closing (Rogerian) Argument

I'll be the first to admit throughout the campaign I did not turn to the internet to receive my political information. I find it difficult to deceifer truth from the fallacies, and know that it has become so easy for individuals to post untrue information about others onto the internet. Being a college student, I know others tend to look at college students as being easily impressionable individuals. I believe it takes true initiative to understand why we as college students choose to support our candidates and to actively campaign and continue to educate ourselves on the beliefs we feel will positively form the country. I commend and congratulate those of you who participated in your first (or second) election-- we made history either way you look at the outcome.

I first went to John McCain's website and was pleasantly surprised to see his thank you concession speech from Tuesday night's results because I felt it was so powerful. As an avid McCain supporter, his speech was bittersweet. After talking to both Obama and McCain supporters, many were touched by Senator McCain's concession speech. I felt McCain's speech can be looked as being a Rogerian Argument because of his strong empathy towards Barack Obama's historic victory. Senator McCain has a strong love for his country and the faith he has in our country gives me hope America is in a good place because we have people living here that appreciate what America is and the values it continues to stand for. He understands the many obstacles African Americans have had to overcome throughout the years. McCain knows Senator Barack Obama has inspired many individuals to become involved in American politics, especially younger voters.

McCain's empathy is shown through acknowledging his victories within the debates. The two have noticeable differences and McCain states Obama has won the victory of the presidency because he was able to prevail during the harder fights. Even though the two currently hold the same office in American government, they both have different political views for two different parties. He emphasizes common ground by stating the love of their country and they both ran for the office of presidency because of the love and respect they have for our nation. McCain states they both have come a long way in their candidacy and the country has changed by their improvements they have made and the time invested to the United States of America.

Rogerian Argument states the candidate discusses the mutual benefits of collaboration. For this particular speech, I feel McCain makes that statement to his supporters to acknowledge we all are Americans. Barack Obama is the President- Elect for not only the American citizens, but will act as the President for Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin. He states we need to offer "our next president our good will and earnest effort to find ways to come together, to find the necessary compromises, to bridge our differences, and help restore our prosperity, defend our security in a dangerous world, and leave our children and grandchildren a stronger, better country than we inherited". Our country should not become divided when this election prided itself on uniting the country and voting for our rights as citizens.

Although I wish the outcome had turned out differently, I do have a strong faith in my country. I trust their judgment and knowledge they made the right choice to lead our country as the 44th President of the United States. Please support our future President by educating yourself on him and VP-elect Joe Biden by reading up on his website.


Blogger CAlbany said...

I thought McCain's fare-well/thank you speech was excellent. I agree that his message went out and touched all Americans whether they were far left or right. I could truly see his passion for America and admire how he encourages us to move forward with a positive outlook. McCain did such a good job holding in his emotions; however Sarah Palin looked like she was about to burst out crying. I cannot blame her though. I am right there with you Megan on the huge disappointment with the election results. Hopefully 2012 will be our year again....

5:53 PM  

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