Saint Mary's College-Political Communication

Upper division Communication Studies course discussing politics from a communication perspective.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wanted: Leadership

This week, American financial industry has possibly changed in ways that no one could have imagined due to mis-guided regulations and our troublesome economy; which also remains as the campaign's top issue. This is a real test for both Senator Barack Obama and John McCain. I understand they have busy campaigning schedules, but how they react can release vibes on how they will view our economy when in office. Voters have a chance to see their true flaws, opinions and hopefully, leadership.

Reading the Washington Post, I came across an interesting blog called, "Bailout Fallout: What Should McCain and Obama Do Next?" written by Chris Cilliza. We know for a fact that Obama and McCain do not see eye to eye on the economy. However, both are equally fighting to prove America they are the answers to these economic problems. But are these two candidates truly making their leadership abilities shine by doing the right thing? I believe both Obama and McCain have NOT shown leadership and are NOT connected to what Americans want or think we need. One of these Presidential candidates should stand up and propose a short term solution that does not put taxpayers dollars at risk. We need true leadership! We need a leader that we can trust, believe, and follow. We need a leader that can conduct business not as NORMAL but for the good of the American people, not for the good of their political party. A true leader can restore our faith in capitalism and free trade. We need a leader that can optimize the best financial minds and resources and propose a simple plan that is good for the people not politics.

Obama and McCain have been making appearances on shows, town visits, and have also been producing new proposals for this "crisis." Several new advertisements since the beginning of this week have been aired in response to the financial rescue plan. "Barack Obama was first out of the gate this morning with a two-pronged approach: a new proposal to increase the cap on federally insured bank deposits from $100,000 to $250,000 and a new two-minute television ad in which he seeks to make the case that he, and not John McCain, is ready and able to lead the country out of its current financial morass" (Cilliza). I think it is beneficial that both Presidential candidates have been working closely with President Bush by putting forth input of direction and ideas that make sense for the people and not politics as usual. Both parties continue to bash each other out on who is on top of the game. Ignorant voters may think that Obama will improve the economic situation, but his plans for higher taxes and bigger government will only lead to disaster. McCain is not much better but at least he is willing to reduce taxes and government spending.

As for right now, Obama and McCain should keep in mind that the economy affects our country as a whole and is a worry no matter what social class one is in. Chris Cilliza advises McCain to 1. Go negative, 2. Stay out of Washington, 3. Persuade privately, 4. Leave Congress out of it, and 5. Just continue on and hope for a solution for this issue. I do not agree with this! McCane could show his leadership by NOT siding with Congress and the Senate, and make a proposal good for the people. Lead and we will follow! As for Obama, he should settle down a as polls have shown him ahead in important areas and has increased his platform for change even more. I think this information should make Obama not to settle down, but keep the energy moving in his campaign. I also do not believe or trust polls in general. Polls are constantly changing and can give little background information of sources.

This election continues to get more exciting each week. Our job as American citizens is to pay close attention to each side and their effort put forth for the people's best interest. Both Obama and McCain plan to meet in Washington for the Senate vote.


Blogger Megan O'Neill said...

I agree with your blog, Caitlin. The media is difficult to understand, yet we are unable to stop listening to what they are saying. For the Washington Post blogger, I found it interesting when he stated McCain should "go negative" in his campaigning. There have been countless interviews with McCain stating he does not believe in a negative campaign. If he were to go negative, the media would not embrace his change of heart. It would be the easiest news story until the election and the media's perfect way to twist his character as a presidential candidate and American citizen. Maybe it would increase McCain in the polls, but it may lose respect and votes by the McCain hopefuls. One of the reasons why Republicans respect McCain is because he respects himself as a candidate and American figure by keeping his campaign as positive as possible.

10:09 PM  
Blogger Katie Kotarak said...

It is hard to keep it positive in this campaign I think. I think both candidates are doing a pretty decent job despite the media attention that forces them to create ultra negative ads.

6:59 PM  

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