Saint Mary's College-Political Communication

Upper division Communication Studies course discussing politics from a communication perspective.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Would It Kill Us to Laugh a Little?

We have been talking about humor recently in class which is interesting because we do not see it a whole lot in politics. We see humor in different forms of media, especially televised. Even the news shows like "Today" or "Good Morning America" make room for a few laughs every now and then. But when it comes to politics there does not seem to be any room for clever jokes. I realize with the myriad of issues being discussed there are few opportunities to have fun, but I do not think a little humor would kill anyone.

Clinton's April Fool's joke was a good example of a candidate having a little fun on the campaign trail. There are three reasons this joke was good. First, she was poking fun at Obama without really attacking him. She was making fun of his bowling skills, not his policies. Second, the joke came at a good time during this election. There has been much speculation as to what is going to happen to the Democratic party since Obama and Clinton are so close in the polls. When she started the press conference she mentioned that she was making a decision for the good of the Democratic party, leading reporters to think that this was a serious statement. Finally, what really made the joke was who it came from. Clinton is not really known for her sense of humor which makes her an unlikely source for a joke. This idea was echoed in Kathleen Parker's article which was passed out in Monday's class. The article basically states that although Clinton is brilliant the one thing that is missing is a sense of humor.

Obama has also shown some humor, though his is more frequent. One such example is when Obama was asked if he thinks Bill Clinton was the first black president. He complimented Clinton's accomplishments as President and gave a serious answer. However, he then threw in a little joke about wanting to see Clinton's dancing skills to really see if he was "a brother". This comment came at a great time because it relieved some of the stress of the debate. It also did not put anyone down. If anything, Obama really complimented Clinton and just threw in a little non-offensive comic relief.

I believe that a little humor on the campaign trail makes the candidates seem more human. We look at these candidates as though they are super human which is not the case. By showing a little humor they are relating to the common person which makes them more likable. A little humor on the campaign trail would not hurt– it is not like the candidates' credibility will be diminished. So, really, if we laughed every now and then would it really hurt?


Blogger Emily said...

I completely agree. Along with placing politicians on the same levels as every American, I think it would help the public become interested in politics again. People aren't interested in politics anymore because of the constant mudslinging and incivility. Everyone likes to laugh--I think breaking the ice at a public appearance with some humor would interest the audience a lot more.

5:44 AM  
Blogger talon said...

Politics are apart of people's everyday lives whether they want to believe it or not. The public needs to realize that their involvement is key in getting the things they need to becoming a successful country and get the things they want. Humor does provide an icebreaker but the truth is, politics is a sticky and uncivil area, one simple joke won't change this.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Kerri said...

I agree. I think humor is an important part of communication because so many people use it to break the ice or lighten the mood. I personally take more interest in listening to candidate when I notice humor. However, I do not think we should expect it from politicians because as someone mentioned in class, humor doesnt come natural to everyone and it can make people very uncomfortable. Besides, I dont think our decision should be based on something uncontrollable like a sense of humor, but more on the candidates policies.

8:34 PM  
Blogger Maureen Burke said...

This is a very interesting post. Politicians, especially at the national level, are known for their speaking/communicating skills. Although we would like to think that all those in office right now are the most brilliant and intelligent people, this is most definitely not the case. Hopefully, however, they are able to surround themselves with a supporting staff that is somewhat intelligent. The politician in office can therefore listen to his advisors and, in turn, communicate to the people. Politicians' task is to communicate with other politicians, other countries, and the general public. A part of communication is humor. Though this does not mean that politicians should go around making jokes everywhere, it does entail them to have a sense of humor. Showing that they do have a sense of humor and are human helps them to communicate and better connect with the public.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Arielle Nelson said...

I love that humor is a part of campaigns. I do think that it lightens the mood. Yes, it does bring the political realm closer into being viewed as entertainment, but it is already seen as such - they might as well have some fun with it. I especially appreciated Obama's Clinton dancing comment since I feel that, though he is charismatic, Obama isn't exceedingly funny. It's good to see potential leaders of our country having some fun in life. I think it shows that they are human just like we are.

5:41 PM  
Blogger Cate Cetta said...

Caitlin, I am glad you wrote on this subject. I agree, and it sounds like others do as well, that humor can only help the long, complex, and tough process that is campaigning for the presidency. However, I do not fully agree with Maureen's response. There are a number of extremely bright and educated people in this world that have mediocre communication skills, while the opposite is true for some not-so-bright people (public speaking comes easy to them). Hopefully the leaders of our country have poise and grace in their ability to communicate with the public and other political officials.

12:59 PM  

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