Saint Mary's College-Political Communication

Upper division Communication Studies course discussing politics from a communication perspective.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spitzer's Scandal and Resignaton

Former New York Attorney General and now former Govenor Eliot Spitzer has been unable to stay out of the headlines for the last week or so. Spitzer along with three other individuals, was charged with operating the Emperors Club VIP, which Nathan Thronburgh with CNN TIME describes as an “international prostitution and money-laundering ring” (,8599,1721095,00.html). Until recently, Spitzer was well known and respected for his morality. Spitzer devoted much of his time as Attorney General to organized crime, primarily prostitute rings. He was noted for his great success in cracking several prostitute rings in New York.

In political communication, we have been talking about media and the influence it has on politicians and the public. Clearly, the media has had significant impact on Eliot Spitzer and his family. If there is one thing the media knows how to do well it is exploit politicians for their inappropriate behavior. This is an example of the “Watch Dog Theory” discussed in class. The media are always watching and waiting for a juicy story, especially when it is a person like Spitzer who has always had a clean record. One thing about the media is once a news story is in their hands, they become in control. They control when and how much of a news story is aired. That is why it is important that political personnel’s always be somewhat prepared for a crisis. I think the best thing to do in a situation like Spitzer’s is to do exactly what he did. He admitted to his alleged involvement in the prostitution ring, resigned as Governor and publically expressed regret to his family and the people.

It is quite obvious that Elliot Spitzer’s behavior has affected his political career considering on Monday he announced his resignation to the New York General Assembly. But what spectators question is the impact it had on his family. When he gave his resignation speech his wife stood at his side the entire time. This stunned many people because he cheated on her with a prostitute! How could she stand by his side after he embarrassed himself, his family, and New York? Last Wednesday on the CBS early morning show, three women had a debate about whether Silda Spitzer should stand by her husband . (

This has brought attention to Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton’s past because she stayed married to Bill Clinton after he cheated on her with intern Monica Lewinski. Some people believe that it was beneficial for Hilary to stand by his side because she might not be where she is now without the experience and support. However, many people disagree with her decision and may look down on her for staying by his side. This is controversial because many people believe that a marriage union should not be disconnected, but also believe that adultery is wrong. This moral issue could greatly influence her candidacy and we will see the effects of this issue as the race for presidency unfolds.


Blogger Alli Grimmer said...

Even more so that Spitzer was involved in a prostitution ring, I find that his replacement admitting to having affairs is more revealing about the influence of the media.

Paterson immediately disclosed to the media that he and his wife both had affairs on one another, in attempts to clear the air before taking office. I find it particularly disturbing that he felt this was necessary, because if he did not disclose it, he would have been afraid of media portrayal of him if it did come out. Which, let's face it, it would come out.

6:52 AM  
Blogger Lynda Pearl said...

As we discussed with Ms. Dow when she visited out room, I think this case raises a huge issue in the influence of mainstream media. "Private" life is no longer private, ESPECIALLY when it comes to politics. The new NY governor who took Spitzer's place addressed all of his past affairs even when it was not being investigated by the media. We look beyond these compromise in values when our leaders are up front about it instead of when they are caught in a sea of lies. Its a very interesting phenomena that has come to be more evident in recent politics.

12:47 PM  
Blogger Caitlin Morrison said...

I've also wondered how women could publicly stand by their husbands as the men are announcing their mistakes and expressing regret. Dina McGreevey and Hillary Clinton are other names that come to mind when this topic is discussed. Ever since the Spitzer scandal unfolded the media was very critical of Silda Spitzer's decision to stand next to him when he spoke. I believe she was playing her role as the First Lady of New York; a poised, sophisticated woman who is expected to be visible at public events. I'm sure she was hurting inside and was ready to kill her husband but knew what she had to do. Had she not been there the media would have probably criticized her for that too. Instead of being so critical I think people should realize that their lives are private. Mrs. Spitzer and her daughters especially are victims and need to be respected.

12:59 PM  
Blogger Kristen Edelen said...

I agree with Lynda. It is so interesting to me that now people in the spot light are catching on to the idea that nothing is private anymore, and are trying to circumvent ruin by coming clean form the start. Sharing all your skeletons with the public before investigative journalist, etc dig them up, gives you complete control over the "story" you wish to impart. This sort of preemptive "personal maintenance" greatly resembles ideas involved in crisis planning that I studied in Prof. Fitzpatrick's public relations class.

9:34 PM  

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